Thursday, February 22, 2007

This is from one of the French classes that blogs their notes.

Mrs. Manchester's Classroom Notes
While it is true that all music activities require active listening, the act of listening to a new piece of music and describing what you hear requires a unique set of skills and knowledge.
Illinois Fine Arts Goal 25A requires all students to understand the sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities of the arts. In the same vein, National Standard #6 in music expects that children are listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
The way students describe what they hear varies with age, experience, and the type of music involved. In the primary grades, students use movement, pictures, and simple music vocabulary to express the perceived sound. Upper grade students use their increasing vocabulary skills to discuss and write about what they notice as well as the mood the piece evokes. They also learn to sing and play the music when appropriate

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